Marketing Communication Strategy in the Digital Age

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Muhammad Abdurrahman Shalahuddin
Anida Nurfauizah


This research aims to examine effective marketing communication strategies in the digital era and their impact on consumers. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with a literature study approach, which allows the collection and analysis of information from various existing sources such as journal articles, books, and industry reports related to marketing communication strategies in the digital era. The data was collected through the process of searching academic data on Google Scholar, Consensus, and Connected Papers. The search was conducted with keywords such as "marketing communication strategy", "digital era", and "digital marketing". The articles that have been found are then evaluated based on their relevance and contribution to the research topic at hand.The findings of this study show that digital marketing communication strategies involving content marketing, the use of social media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and digital advertising can increase consumer engagement and brand loyalty. Social media and content marketing play a key role in creating closer relationships with consumers as well as providing quick responses to their feedback.

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How to Cite
Shalahuddin, M. A., & Nurfauizah, A. (2023). Marketing Communication Strategy in the Digital Age. PROPAGANDA, 3(2), 124–130.


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