Utilization of Smartphones as a Learning Support Tool for PAI FIS UNJ Students in Intercultural Communication Subjects
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Smartphone is a device that has various advanced features to make everyday life easier, one of which is that smartphones can be used as a means to support the learning process. This research aims to analyze the use of smartphones as a supporting tool in learning Intercultural Communication courses for students of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Jakarta State University. This research uses a qualitative research approach with questionnaire data collection techniques for all active students of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program at the State University of Jakarta, class of 2021 who are taking the Intercultural Communication course as respondents as well as primary data sources and literature studies through relevant books, articles and journals. as additional information. The research results show that the use of smartphones can support the learning process of students of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Jakarta State University in completing assignments in the Intercultural Communication course which involves the use of educational applications to share and access learning materials as well as collecting assignments such as Google Classroom, online design applications such as Canva is used to create presentation media in learning, digital learning resources such as articles and journals, interactions between lecturers and students via online platforms such as WhatsApp Group, and makes it easier to access links used in learning such as Quizziz links and YouTube links. Apart from that, assignments for the Intercultural Communication course apply the concept of Cinderella assignments, namely assignments with a submission deadline of 23.59, so they require facilities that can support the learning process flexibly, such as smartphones.
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