The Influence of Horror Content "Diary Mistery Sara" on The Sara Wijayanto Youtube Channel Towards The Mystical Beliefs

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Khofifah Nurdianti
Finy Fitrya Basarah


YouTube is one of the most popular social media because it has various types of content that can be watched freely, including horror and mystical content. One of the YouTube channels who has horror content is "Diary Mystery Sara" (by Sara Wijatanto) or known as DMS.

This research uses the S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response) theory to examine the audience's mystical beliefs. The S-O-R theory assumes that the media effects produced are a specific reaction to a specific stimulus. In this research, The STIMULUS is horror content on “Diary Mistery Sara", the ORGANISM is Broadcasting Students at Faculty of Communication Mercu Buana University class of 2020, and the RESPONSE is the mystical beliefs.

This research uses an explanatory quantitative approach, positivism paradigm, and survey method by distributing questionnaire as a data research instrument to 52 respondents with purposive sampling criteria.

The results of the research are a correlation coefficient value of 0.817 which shows a very strong positive relationship and is unidirectional. The Determination Coefficient is 66.8%, which shows that 66.8% of Mystical Beliefs (Y) can be explained by the independent variable Horror Content "Diary Mistery Sara" (X), the remaining of 33.2% is influenced by another variables or factors. The dimensions with a large influence with the highest mean value are the ATTENTION on variable X and the COGNTIVE on variable Y, while lowest mean values are the FREQUENCY on variable X, and the AFFECTIVE on variable Y.

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How to Cite
Nurdianti, K., & Basarah, F. F. (2024). The Influence of Horror Content "Diary Mistery Sara" on The Sara Wijayanto Youtube Channel Towards The Mystical Beliefs. PROPAGANDA, 4(1), 1–17.


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