NUCLEUS <p>Nucleus, a journal published by Neolectura, was issued twice times in a year. Neolectura is a scientific publication media in conceptual paper and field research related to Science dan Technology. It is hoped that Nucleus can become a medium for academics and researchers to publish their scientific work and become a reference source for the development of science and knowledge.</p> Neolectura en-US NUCLEUS 2746-3869 A Case Report <p><em>Frozen shoulder is a very common condition in clinical practice, affecting 2–5% of the general population. Frozen shoulder (FS) rarely occurs before age 40 and typically affects ages 50 to 70. Women are more commonly affected than men. Frozen shoulder is classified into primary and secondary, where primary frozen shoulder is due to the presence of attachments around the joint capsule and secondary frozen shoulder is due to sprains, strains, tendinopathy, tendon tear or bursitis. This study, conducted at Mutiara Sukma Mental Hospital NTB in September-October 2022, aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions on a 64-year-old patient with frozen shoulder, mental disorders, and diabetes, using a case study approach. Interventions included Infrared therapy and TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) for pain reduction and muscle relaxation, as well as Neuromuscular Taping (NMT) for enhanced lymphatic drainage and pain relief. Assisted active movements and free active movements were also applied to maintain and improve joint range of motion and muscle strength. The results showed significant improvements in pain reduction and increased range of motion and shoulder function, with pain evaluation using the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) and Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) indicating positive progress during therapy sessions. This underscores the benefits of combined physiotherapy interventions in treating frozen shoulder, especially in patients with comorbid mental disorders.</em></p> Fransisca Xaveria Hargiani Sartoyo Sartoyo Copyright (c) 2023 Fransisca Xaveria Hargiani, Sartoyo 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 4 2 71 74 10.37010/nuc.v4i2.1367 Raw Material Storage Business Process Analysis at Material Control Division <p><em>The process of storing raw materials in companies is still carried out conventionally, namely by record it using paper forms containing details of raw materials, the amount of incoming raw materials and outgoing raw materials. The next process is to recapitulate the data by typing it into the Microsoft Excel application. As a result, raw material stock calculations are not real time and the results of raw material stock data processing are less accurate. To find out in detail the existing problems, a business process analysis is needed which is outlined in the picture. The method used is field observation, while the tools used are BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation). The result of this research is a model that describes business processes with standard notation that is easy to understand. With this model, it will be able to display the availability of raw materials, both incoming raw materials and outgoing raw materials, as well as overall raw material availability reports. The reports could be used by other related departments such as the Planning and Purchasing Division, thereby increasing efficiency in recapitulating raw material data and minimizing data errors regarding the availability of raw materials.</em></p> Ridzky Kramanandita Devitha Oktavia Copyright (c) 2023 Ridzky Kramanandita, Devitha Oktavia 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 4 2 55 59 10.37010/nuc.v4i2.1346 Differences in Average Student Learning Outcomes in Calculus II Learning Between Offline and Online Classes <p><em>Calculus II is a course that demands a high level of understanding and analysis and is an essential foundation in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Online learning involves the use of computer and internet technology to deliver course material, interact with instructors, and communicate with fellow students. Meanwhile, offline learning involves direct interaction between students and lecturers in a place such as a classroom or lecture hall. The aim of this research is to determine whether there is a difference in the average student scores for offline and online learning in the Calculus II course in the Information Technology Study Program at a private university in Jakarta. This research analyzes descriptive statistical challenges, normality tests, and t hypothesis tests on the average scores of offline and online students. From the calculation results that have been obtained for descriptive statistics, the number of offline students is 45, while the number of online students is 30. The average score for offline students is 66,671, while the average score for online students is 72,248. The standard deviation for offline classes is 5.832, while for online students it is 12.041. The average score for online classes is greater than that for offline classes. But online classes have a larger standard deviation than offline classes. For the normality test, the significance value for the offline class was 0.146 and for the online class it was 0.200, so the data distribution for the average value of offline and online classes is normally distributed. From the results of the t test, it was found that the significance value was 0.00. So, there is a difference in the average student scores for offline and online courses.</em></p> Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 Suryani 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 4 2 146 151 10.37010/nuc.v4i2.1497 The Influence of 5G Technology on the Evolution of Communication: A Study of Developments and Implications in the Field of Science <p><em>The 5G technology represents a pivotal point in the evolution of communication and science, promising significantly enhanced speed, capacity, and reduced latency compared to previous generations. This study explores the transformative potential of 5G across various sectors, particularly in supporting scientific innovation through the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and big data analytics. With the capability to accelerate experiments and simulations across diverse scientific fields, as well as facilitate remote scientific collaboration, 5G is expected to expedite innovation and scientific discoveries. However, the study also identifies challenges faced in the implementation and adoption of 5G, including data security issues, the need for substantial infrastructure investment, and potential health and environmental concerns. The study suggests an interdisciplinary approach in research to address these challenges and maximize the use of 5G technology. Additionally, emphasis on reducing energy use and adopting renewable energy sources indicates the need for more environmentally friendly communication. In conclusion, 5G has the potential to revolutionize the fields of science and technology, yet its success depends on cross-sector collaboration and the development of comprehensive strategies to overcome existing challenges.</em></p> Sugiyatno Sugiyatno Purnomo Sidiq Ibrahim Fikma Edrisy Copyright (c) 2023 Sugiyatno, Purnomo Sidiq, Ibrahim Fikma Edrisy 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 4 2 115 120 10.37010/nuc.v4i2.1448 The Meaning of News Value in Content Creation with the Snack Video Platform Source <p>The issue of news value is a big concern in the distribution of news content on social media platforms. One social media platform that encourages content creators to create news content is the Snack Video platform. The management of the Snack Video platform enforces strict rules that all users must comply with to ensure that all content created by content creators has news value. This qualitative research aims to identify the interpretation of this news value rule using Shannon and Weaver's message transmission model. This research uses literature as a data collection technique while applying phenomenological methods to explain how audio-visual content is used to disseminate information through social media. Research findings identify that the use of regulations conveyed through message transmission has been proven to improve the quality of news content on Snack Video through the content creators' understanding of the rules set by Snack Video management. Snack Video management was also found to have made several special requirements for each news content which would be checked manually by the agency team using quality parameters that had been set in detail.</p> Denny Setiawan Batubara Fahmy Fotaleno Copyright (c) 2023 Denny Setiawan Batubara, Fahmy Fotaleno 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 4 2 98 105 10.37010/nuc.v4i2.1428 Making Aromatherapy Balm from Essential Oil of Citronella (Cymbopogonnardus L. Rendle) <p><em>Essential oils are volatile oils or oil fly that is generally tangible fluid obtained from the plant roots, bark, stems, and leaves by steam distillation of water. Plants containing essential oils and has the potential to be developed is a plant citronella (Cymbopogon nardus L. Rendle). The purpose of this study to make products balm aromatherapy essential oils of citronella and test the quality of quality of the aromatherapy balm with water vapor distillation method. The collection of data obtained from the analysis is the analysis parameter identification of compounds, numbers ester, test Total Plate Count, testing Pb method of AAS, the, determination of the refractive index, the determination viksositas, determination of pH balm, and a test of endurance balm, saponification, test molds, metal test Cu and specific gramavity test, and analysis of quality parameters of essential oil (yield and organoleptic tests). Results of analysis of parameter numbers ester (17.6177; 17.7824; 18.5295), test Total Plate Count (0; 3 × 102 and 3 × 102), Pb metal test methods AAS (0.02895; 0.0145; 0.01445), the identification of compounds (+), 1.4675 refractive index, viksositas 439,89cp, 436,01cp, 419,57cp, pH 6 balm, balm endurance test, saponification 11:04; 16.66; 16.76, mold testing namely (-), Cu metal test 0.1743; 0.5242; 0.0222, testing the specific gramavity is 0898; 0.922; 0901. The result of the isolation of essential oils of citronella 27,000 gramam sample was obtained ± 62 mL with the results of citronella essential oil yield of 0.23% v / b; the identification of essential oils generally exhibit containing citronella essential oil.</em></p> Sylvi Sylvi Novia Nelza Switamy Angnitha Purba Copyright (c) 2023 Sylvi, Novia Nelza, Switamy Angnitha Purba 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 4 2 75 83 10.37010/nuc.v4i2.1368 Redesign of the Layout of Aluminum Profile Production Facilities using the BLOCPLAN Algorithm Method and the CORELAP Algorithm at PT XYZ <p><em>PT XYZ is a private company engaged in the processing of aluminum metal which produces various types of aluminum profiles according to the needs or orders of customers located in North Bekasi. The position of the office with an extrusion load area of ??880 tons is in the same area, often causing noise from machines that interferes with the performance of office workers. Another reason is the placement of good facilities will support operator comfort, increase operator performance, and facilitate supervision so that the resulting product will be better in terms of quality. Production facility placements are less efficient because they have an initial layout efficiency value of 79% with an OMH (Material Handling Cost) value of Rp 41,701. Then the proposed layout was improved using the BLOCPLAN Algorithm and the CORELAP Algorithm. The results of the research using the BLOCPLAN Algorithm method obtained an efficiency value of 88% and an OMH value of Rp 21,205. While the results of research using the CORELAP Algorithm obtained an efficiency value of 86% with an OMH value of Rp 22,236. The alternative layout chosen is a layout that is processed using the BLOCPLAN Algorithm method because it produces an efficiency value of 88% and an OMH value of Rp 21,205.</em></p> Zimartani Zimartani Putri Zahra Riri Cornellia Oktaviani Oktaviani Anggi Anggi Copyright (c) 2023 Zimartani, Putri Zahra, Riri Cornellia, Oktaviani, Anggi 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 4 2 60 70 10.37010/nuc.v4i2.1348 Clustering analysis of seismicity in the space-time-depth magnitude for Indonesia Earthquake <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>Indonesia merupakan daerah rawan gempa bumi dikarenakan terletak antar pertemuan lempeng Indo-Australia, Eurasia dan Pasifik. Pada periode 2009 s. 2021, terjadi 73,674 dengan kekuatan gempa berada dalam interval 1 sampai dengan 7.9 Skala Richter (SR) dan gempa lebih dari 6 SR sebanyak 162 kejadian. Analisa Seismik dalam penelitian ini mengelompokkan jarak <em>Space, Time, Depth</em> dan <em>Magnitude</em> (STDM) pada kejadian gempa ke-<em>i </em>dan ke-<em>j</em> dimana &nbsp;menggunakan kombinasi Metode K-Means dan Indeks Silhouette. Hasil pengelompokkan menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik seismisitas berdasarkan transformasi logaritma jarak STDM, zona 1, zona 2, zona 4, zona 5 memiliki 2 tipe, zona 7 memiliki 4 tipe sedangkan zona 3 dan zona 6 memiliki 6 tipe. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu metode alternatif dalam pengelompokkan data kegempaan sehingga dapat menggambarkan kondisi seismik suatu wilayah.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Wulan Anggraeni Copyright (c) 2023 Wulan Anggraeni 2024-02-08 2024-02-08 4 2 121 145 10.37010/nuc.v4i2.1480 Description of Anxiety Levels in Spontaneous Postpartum Mothers at the Ibrahim Adjie Community Health Center, Bandung City <p><em>The postpartum period is a</em> <em>critical time and predisposes women to experience anxiety, as they undergo a role transition into motherhood. If anxiety is left unaddressed, it can lead to postpartum depression and negatively impact cognitive, behavioral, and neurophysiological outcomes for the child. The purpose of this research is to assess the levels of anxiety among spontaneous postpartum mothers at the Ibrahim Adji Community Health Center in Bandung city. This study employs a descriptive method with a cross-sectional research design, involving a sample of 36 spontaneous postpartum mothers. The instrument used is the Postpartum Specific Anxiety Scale (PSAS).</em> <em>The research findings indicate that the majority of postpartum mothers experience mild anxiety at 41.6%, moderate anxiety at 25%, severe anxiety at 16.7%, and 16.7% of postpartum mothers have no anxiety. The conclusion of this study suggests that postpartum mothers tend to experience mild anxiety. It is hoped that healthcare professionals, especially midwives, can provide counseling and psychological support as these are crucial aspects during the postpartum period.</em></p> Nuur Afifah Ishmah A Yogi Pramatirta Lani Gumilang Qorinah Estiningtyas Neneng Martini Copyright (c) 2023 Nuur Afifah Ishmah, Qorinah Estiningtyas, Neneng Martini, Yogi Pramatirta, Lani Gumilang 2024-01-29 2024-01-29 4 2 106 114 10.37010/nuc.v4i2.1453 Utilization of the React Native Framework in the Design of a Merchandise Sales Application <p><em>In the context of the increasing need for efficient mobile applications in Indonesia, this research explores the use of React Native as a solution for developing cross-platform mobile applications. The limitations of developing native mobile applications that are tied to one platform require a more flexible and efficient approach. The prototype method was used to develop a merchandise sales application, assessing the ease of learning, simple code structure, and cross-platform capabilities of React Native. The research results show that React Native enables faster and more efficient development, with applications successfully operating on both Android and iOS operating systems. Black box testing and user acceptance tests revealed high levels of user satisfaction, highlighting React Native's potential as a powerful mobile app development tool. The implications of this research provide new insights into the development of more adaptive and cost-effective mobile applications.</em></p> Akbar Anggi Kurniawan Yulhendri Yulhendri Copyright (c) 2023 Akbar Anggi Kurniawan, Yulhendri 2023-11-15 2023-11-15 4 2 84 97 10.37010/nuc.v4i2.1369