The Influence of Students' Curiosity and Interest in Learning on Chemistry Learning Outcomes of Grade XI Students at SMAN 1 Cariu, Bogor Regency


  • Dewi Yunia Indraprasta PGRI University



minat belajar, hasil belajar, kimia, kuriositas


The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of curiosity and interest in learning on the learning outcomes of chemistry class XI at SMAN 1 Cariu, Bogor Regency. Curiosity and interest are two of the many variables that may affect learning.  This study uses quantitative regression analysis techniques. A random sampling approach is used in the sampling process. The psychological scale consisting of 45 instruments was used as a research tool to collect information about curiosity and learning interest from 57 students. Test instruments are used to collect information about the learning outcomes of chemistry students, while questionnaire instruments are used to measure students' curiosity and interest in learning. Formative assessment using descriptive questions about chemical bond content is used to measure learning outcomes in the cognitive domain.

Curiosity and interest in learning were measured using a questionnaire using a Likert scale with response options for always (SL), often (SR), sometimes (KD), and never (TP). On the continuation of favorable statements "always" is given a score of 4, "often" is given a score of 3, "sometimes" is given a score of 2, and "never" is given a score of 1. While statements that are unfavorable, "always" is given a score of 1, "often" is given a score of 2, "sometimes" is given a score of 3, and "never" is given a score of 4. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression test. The findings of the study showed that: 1) learning interest affected student learning outcomes by 77.1% with a significance of 0.000; 2) curiosity affects student learning outcomes by 79.2% with a significance of 0.000; and 3) curiosity and interest in learning both affect student learning outcomes by 78% with a significance of 0.000.


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How to Cite

Yunia, D. (2024). The Influence of Students’ Curiosity and Interest in Learning on Chemistry Learning Outcomes of Grade XI Students at SMAN 1 Cariu, Bogor Regency. NUCLEUS, 5(02), 67–73.



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