Bibliometric Analysis of Vector Error Correction Model
bibliometric analysis, vector error corrector model (vecm), vosviewerAbstract
Bibliometric analysis is a quantitative technique for analyzing scientific literature that includes counting the number of publications, analyzing citations, and finding research trends. Bibliometric analysis is useful in understanding and classifying published documents and can explain ongoing developments and new research related to a specified topic. A mapping tool that can be used is VOSviewer to visualize bibliometric graphical maps. This article aims to provide direction or foundation for further research related to the vector error correction model (VECM). This research is a literature study using bibliometric data collection that focuses on topics related to the vector error correction model (VECM), the research steps taken are determining search keywords, initial search research, refining searches, compiling data statistics, and analyzing data. Data was obtained from the Scopus page in the range of 2009 to 2023. From the data, the most publications were obtained in 2023, totaling 585 publications. After visualization using VOSviewer, it is known that various terms in the vector error correction model (VECM) often appear and are related to other variables.
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