Winnowing of Some Onion Varieties Red (Allium Cepa L.) to Aluminium
sanding, shallot, aluminumAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the Sampling of Several Red Onion Varieties (Allium cepa L.) Against Aluminum. The method used in this research is pure quantitative method. Technique data collection technique that researchers use in research is experimentation where researchers manipulate conditions or stimuli on the subject under study, namely shallot plants (Allium cepa L.). subject under study, namely shallot plants (Allium cepa L.). The results of the study The results showed that the application of aluminum concentration had an effect at 90% confidence level on the growth of shallot plants. The growth parameters that decreased were the parameters of plant height and number of leaves. plant height and number of leaves. In the treatment of 300 mg/L aluminum concentration and age of 28 HST greatly affects the growth of shallot plants. varieties of Bima Brebes, Ampenan and TSS Agrihort. In the varieties of Bima Brebes. Ampenan and TSS Agrihort 2 plants cannot tolerate aluminum stress at a concentration of 300 mg/L. aluminum at a concentration of 300 mg/L can be seen in the morphology of the varieties the plant height is not good and the number of leaves is small. While aluminum stress at a concentration of 100 mg/L, the variety can grow with an average plant height and number of leaves. can grow with an optimal average plant height and number of leaves at an aluminum concentration of 100 mg/L. at an aluminum concentration of 100 mg/L with an age of 28 HST
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