Analysis of The Changes of Magnetic Strip ATM Card to Chip Card ATM Customer Satisfaction Bank Mandiri Margonda Depok


  • Tio Oktavianto Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
  • Prasetio Ariwibowo Universitas Indraprasta PGRI



cyber crime, satisfaction, customer


This study aims to determine what factors affect customer satisfaction at Bank Mandiri Margonda Depok. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods. The population in this study were all Bank Mandiri Margonda Depok customers with a sample of Bank Mandiri Margonda Depok customers who match the criteria determined by the researcher. The instrument in this study used open interviews by selecting key informants as data sources, namely Mandiri Margonda Depok bank customers, especially ATM card users from magnetic stripe to ATM chip cards. The results of this study will show what factors affect customer satisfaction at Bank Mandiri Margonda Depok. The results in this study indicate that by changing the magnetic stripe ATM card to the ATM chip card to the customer satisfaction of Bank Mandiri Margonda Depok, the first is that the customer is satisfied with the actions taken by Mandiri bank at the beginning of the skimming case, Bank Mandiri be responsive to this case, by appealing to customers who use magnetic stripe ATM cards to immediately switch or replace their ATM cards into ATM chip card cards, then the second is, customers are satisfied with the nature of responsibility that the independent bank proves by replacing all savings for customers affected by the skimming crime case. Then the last customer is satisfied with the performance that has been done by Bank Mandiri because it has determined and urged its customers to immediately replace their ATM card into a chip card. Therefore, customers are satisfied with all the actions that have been taken by Bank Mandiri, so that customers feel a sense of security and comfort when carrying out transactions anywhere.


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How to Cite

Oktavianto, T., & Ariwibowo, P. (2020). Analysis of The Changes of Magnetic Strip ATM Card to Chip Card ATM Customer Satisfaction Bank Mandiri Margonda Depok. JUDICIOUS, 1(2), 87–90.



Service Management
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