Improving Students' Poetry Writing Ability Class X of Tomosa Christian Private Vocational School 2 by Using the Model Quantum Learning


  • Noveri Amal Jaya Harefa IKIP Gunungsitoli
  • Hilaria Iwan Ningsih Gulo IKIP Gunungsitoli



writing a new poem , a quantum learning model of learning


This research is based on the results of observations that have been made by researchers. The researcher found that the ability of students to write new poetry in class X of the Tomosa Christian Private Vocational School 2 still did not meet the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) that had been set. This problem is caused by students being less motivated in writing a poem because they are unable to find ideas and students find it difficult to determine diction, figure of speech, theme, meaning and the application of learning methods in the classroom is not optimal. Writing a new poem is stringing words into a poem that is not bound by any special rules, namely the number of lines per stanza, the number of syllables per line, rhyme, rhythm, rhythm and word choice. In writing free poetry, it is important that the author's feelings can be expressed in the form of the right words so that they produce imaginative meanings. This study aims to improve the ability to write new poetry through the Quantum Learning learning model for class X students of Tomosa 2 Gido Christian Private Vocational School for the 2020/2021 academic year. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was carried out for two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research subjects were students of class X Christian Private Vocational School Tomosa 2 Gido for the academic year 2020/2021, totaling 18 people. 9 men and 9 women. The results of the data analysis of the value of poetry writing knowledge in the first cycle the average value of students = 54 (predicate "Less"). The results of the data analysis of the value of poetry writing knowledge in the second cycle the average value of students = 79.16 ("Good" predicate). The results of this study are an increase in the ability to write new poetry through the Quantum Learning learning model for class X students of the Tomosa 2 Gido Christian Private Vocational School for the 2020/2021 academic year.


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How to Cite

Harefa, N. A. J., & Gulo, H. I. N. . (2021). Improving Students’ Poetry Writing Ability Class X of Tomosa Christian Private Vocational School 2 by Using the Model Quantum Learning. INTELEKTIUM, 2(1), 99–107.
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