Learning Style with Sensory Preference Approach as Teacher Capacity Development in Teaching


  • Mutmainah SMP - SMA Mawaddah Kota Depok
  • Andi Muhammad Rudhan STIE Tunas Nusantara




learning styles, sensory preferences, teacher capacity


In addition to measuring the initial characteristics of students, it is necessary to know to map out the proper teaching flow. The characteristics of the learner are factors that must be taken into account when choosing learning media. These factors include the number of students and social background to determine the provision of examples in the media; in this case, learning styles are included. This study aims to provide a strategy for developing teacher capacity, especially in delivering material according to students' sensory preferences. Semi-structured interviews were applied to informants to obtain critical information and develop things that need to be known to enrich this research. The results showed that 20%-30% of students tend auditory modality, 40% visual, and 30-40% kinesthetic. However, what is of concern is the awareness of teachers who do not understand the importance of delivering learning according to the modalities of children's learning styles according to their sensory preferences. In this study, researchers used ISO: 21001/2018 (quality management system) as a reference and strategic step for teacher capacity development.


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How to Cite

Mutmainah, M., & Rudhan, A. M. (2021). Learning Style with Sensory Preference Approach as Teacher Capacity Development in Teaching. INTELEKTIUM, 2(1), 61–66. https://doi.org/10.37010/int.v2i1.343
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