The Role of Leaders in Implementing the No-Thesis Graduate Policy (Case Study at STEI Napala, Bogor Regency, West Java)


  • Windi Megayanti Indraprasa PGRI University



graduated without a thesis, leader, ethical leadership


This research aims to determine the role of leaders in implementing the graduate policy without a thesis. The method used in this research is qualitative research with descriptive analysis techniques. The instrument used in this research was the researcher himself with the help of a recording device during the interview. The object of this research is the graduate policy without a thesis implemented at STEI Napala, Bogor Regency, West Java. The results of this research show that in implementing this policy, the Leader of STEI Napala, Bogor Regency, West Java applies ethics in his decision making. Ethical leaders have the criteria of serving followers and the organization; seeks to balance and integrate the diverse interests of many stakeholders; develop a vision based on followers' needs, values, and ideas; act in a manner consistent with expressed values; willing to take personal risks and actions to achieve the organization's vision and mission; undertake complete and timely disclosure of information about events, issues and actions; encourage critical evaluation to find better solutions; and using training and mentoring to develop followers. Therefore, in principle, there is an implementation of ethical leadership in the graduate policy without a thesis.


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How to Cite

Megayanti, W. (2023). The Role of Leaders in Implementing the No-Thesis Graduate Policy (Case Study at STEI Napala, Bogor Regency, West Java). INTELEKTIUM, 4(2), 65–70.
Abstract viewed = 132 times