Author Guidelines

Authors who intend to submit a manuscript for publication in this journal obliged to understand correctly the instructions and the ins and outs of the provisions of this journal. For authors who have never published the article in this journal, we recommend reading all of the term and conditions are listed in the journal. Authors are requested to prepare a manuscript in accordance with the Instructions for preparation of the manuscript and then to follow the Author Guidelines for submission. Before the manuscript is submitted to the editorial team, please make sure that your paper is prepared and refer to Focus Journal for writing format and style (Please download the template for the initial manuscript submission). This will ensure fast processing and publication. Any papers not fulfilling the requirements based on the guidelines to authors with great regret will not be processed.

Focus published two times a year (February and August). The author who will submit the manuscript after the deadline for submission as long as meet the requirement for publication in this journal will be processed for the next issue. The paper submission and reviewing procedures in Focus will be processed with the web-based system via the Open Journal System (OJS) by Public Knowledge Project (PKP). We strongly prefer to receive manuscripts via our online submission system. With using our OJS system, authors can upload manuscript files (text, figures, and supplementary information) directly to our office and check on the status of Reviews their manuscripts during the review process. First, kindly please register as an author, and then you should log in to submit your papers. Please don't forget to tick the author when you make a registration. The most important things in this stage that all of the authors must have an ORCID ID, if you didn't have yet please make your ORCID ID in Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions. 

For a quick response please send by email to Please mention your subject: Your Name and what kind of problem with our Online Submission system.  Our team will reply to all your questions or problems related to our Journals as soon as possible or at least 24 hours after you sent the message. Thank you for your patience.

Preparation of manuscripts 
Authors should carefully prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the following instructions: (1) All manuscripts should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th ed. (American Psychological Association [APA], 2010); (2) Manuscripts should be as concise as possible, yet sufficiently detailed to permit adequate communication and critical review; (3) Consult the APA Publication Manual for specific guidelines regarding the format of the manuscript, abstract, citations and references, tables and figures, and other matters of editorial style, and; (4) Tables and figures should be used only when essential.


The type of manuscript

All of the types of manuscripts submitted must under this category and describe well-designed for (1) Research Article; or (2) Article/extensive book reviews/reports review/literature review/conceptual paper.


Submit the manuscript

Before all of you submit the manuscript, please read carefully and following the information: (1) The manuscript was the result of your own works (original – not plagiarism) and never been published in another journal; (2) The article can be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia, but keep your Abstract, Keywords, and References clear written in English; (3) Manuscript file must be digital. We suggest for use software Microsoft Office (2007 or above) with extension document (.rtf, .doc, or .docx). -- hard copy submissions are not accepted, and; (4) Document formatting styles can use templates.

The structure of manuscripts

  • Research Article: (a) Title of Article, (b) Abstract, (c) Keyword(s), (d) Introduction, (e) Method, (f) Results and Discussion, (g) Conclusions, and (h) References. 
  • Article/extensive book reviews/reports review/literature review/conceptual paper: (a) Title of Article, (b) Abstract, (c) Keyword(s), (d) Introduction, (e) Discussion, (f) Conclusions, and (g) References. 
  • Important Notes for Author: To ensure the blinded manuscript. This title page document should not contain the Ms.Word properties.

Author(s) Name only (i.e., no degrees or position titles listed), Department Name, University Name, at City (if applicable). Author Name is now at Department Name, University Name, at City (if changed from above listing). Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Author Name, full mailing (including street or PO Box) address, City, State (using postal abbreviation), zip code (

Recommendation software for managing citation and references

We suggest all of you using software MENDELEY, ZOTERO, or ENDNOTE for easy citation. References should be the most recent and pertinent literature available (about 5-10 years ago). Using literature (more than 10 years ago) may be allowed at least 25% of total references who used in the manuscript.


Page limitations  

The full length of submission manuscript, not more than 6000 words, or maximum 16 pages and minimum 6 pages; including references, table, and figure (Appendix--Exclude).


Permission requirements

Lengthy quotations (generally 400 cumulative words or more from one source) require written permission from the copyright holder for reproduction. Previously published tables or figures that are used in their entirety, in part, or adapted also require written permission from the copyright holder for reproduction. It is the author’s responsibility to secure such permission, and a copy of the publisher’s written permission must be provided to the Editor immediately upon acceptance for publication.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Paper has not been published in other journals or conference proceeding.
  2. The paper has been written in accordance with the guidance provided by Focus.
  3. The author guarantees that the contents of this article are true of the author's work and free from plagiarism.
  4. Authors grant Focus as the copyright owner.

    The author(s) must be to sign the Copyright transfer.

    The Copyright Transfer Form can be downloaded here: [Copyright Transfer Form]

    The Copyright Transfer Form should be signed originally and send to the Editorial when the authors submit the article (at the step number 4 - supplementary files).

  5. There is no authors information in the article to ensure blind review.

    Note: Please delete all of your information before you submit the article.

  6. The author is asked to access the Online Journal System (OJS) of Focus constantly (can be set on the Setting Chrome), to obtain information of the article's status.
  7. The author must fill in all information completely in metadata, which includes: 1) author's complete information (name, institution, email, mobile, and URL of Google Scholar or Scopus), 2) article's title (written in sentence case), 3) abstract, and 4) references (copy all references in the body of article, make sure they are written properly to the standard regulation).
  8. More than 80% is primary references (from indexed -google scholar or higher- journal).