Dynamics Interaction of the Cytoskeleton with the Cell Membrane
cytoskeleton, cell membrane, interactionAbstract
The dynamic interaction between the cytoskeleton and cell membrane is a complex phenomenon that plays an important role in terms of cellular biology. In this study, a qualitative method with a literature study approach was used to explore and compile a comprehensive explanation of the interaction of the cytoskeleton with the cell membrane through the analysis of relevant scientific literature. A review of the literature on the structure and function of the cytoskeleton helps to understand the main roles of cytoskeleton components in the formation of the cell skeleton and interaction with the cell membrane. Analysis of research articles and review of related literature that reveals how the cytoskeleton and cell membrane interact in various cellular processes and regulation by intracellular signals. The clinical implications of the research findings and the challenges faced in researching these interactions are also discussed, with the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, evaluation of research methods, and wide dissemination of information emphasized. In conclusion, a deep understanding of the dynamic interactions of the cytoskeleton with the cell membrane has great potential for the development of new therapies and more effective medical technologies in the biomedical field.
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