Bullying Behavior in Students: A Narrative Study Review of its Relationship with Emotional Intelligence


  • Achmad Fauzi Bali Dwipa University
  • Wayan Sukartiasih Bali Dwipa University
  • Ninik Suchaiyati Bali Dwipa University




bullying, emotional intelligence, student


Bullying among students has become an increasingly prevalent problem in various schools around the world. This study aims to explore the relationship between bullying behavior among students and emotional intelligence. The method used in this paper is a narrative review method to review relevant empirical research. Articles used in this study were retrieved from four search engines, namely Crossref, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Semantic Scholar, with a total of 5 articles that met the criteria. All articles used in this study were from 2013 to 2023. The results of this narrative review indicate that emotional intelligence in students has a significant negative relationship with bullying behavior, meaning that low emotional intelligence can be a risk factor for students to engage in bullying behavior, while high emotional intelligence can help prevent bullying behavior. The implications of these findings emphasize the importance of developing emotional intelligence among students as a prevention and reduction effort for bullying behavior.


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How to Cite

Fauzi, A., Sukartiasih, W., & Suchaiyati, N. (2024). Bullying Behavior in Students: A Narrative Study Review of its Relationship with Emotional Intelligence. FOCUS, 5(1), 43–53. https://doi.org/10.37010/fcs.v5i1.1484
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