Measuring the Motivation of Employees with Disabilities at Pt. Wangta Agung Using the Multidimentional Work Motivation Scale


  • Muhammad Asfan Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta
  • Nurwantoro Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta
  • Risang Pujiyanto Politeknik ATK Yogyakarta



employees with disabilities, work motivation, multidimentional work motivation scale


People with disabilities often experience despair and lose hope in living their lives because of the conditions they experience. However, there are also many people with disabilities who make it their condition to progress and live independently. PT. Wangta Agung was chosen as the research location because PT. Wangta Agung employs people with disabilities, in the form of hearing and intellectual disabilities. This research aims to measure the work motivation of employees with disabilities at PT Wangta Agung. The respondents for this research were 15 employees with disabilities. This research uses mixed methods, quantitative instruments using the Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale, and qualitative instruments using interviews and observations. Based on quantitative data analysis, the intrinsic motivation aspect obtained the highest average score with an average value (mean) of 4.1533, and extrinsic regulation–social had the lowest average score with an average value (mean) of 2.7133. The biggest factor in the work motivation of people with disabilities at PT. Wangta Agung is an aspect of intrinsic Motivation. This is reinforced by the results of qualitative research where employees with disabilities can enjoy the work given to them so that they feel happy and more motivated at work.


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How to Cite

Asfan, M., Nurwantoro, N., & Pujiyanto, R. (2024). Measuring the Motivation of Employees with Disabilities at Pt. Wangta Agung Using the Multidimentional Work Motivation Scale. FOCUS, 5(1), 16–23.
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