The Influence of Inflation and Unemployment Rates on Indonesian Economic Growth
inflation, unemployment rates, Indonesian economic growthAbstract
The aim of this research is to determine the effect of inflation and unemployment rates on Indonesia's economic growth. The data source in this research uses secondary data in the form of statistical data from BPS, namely Inflation, Unemployment Rate and Indonesian Economic Growth 2013-2022. So the data in this research uses time series data, with the help of SPSS version 26 software. This research uses multiple linear regression analysis methods to process the data output. The data analysis techniques used are multiple linear regression test, and statistical tests. The results of this research are that for the variables inflation (X1) and unemployment rate (X2) there is a significant influence on Indonesia's economic growth (Y). Data collection uses documentation methods. Documents can also be writing, drawings or other monumental works. The selected document data must have high reliability.
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