Diathesis Deconstruction in Efforts to Differentiate Titles in Scientific Article Manuscripts

Proposition Analysis Studies: A Psycholinguistic Review


  • Nicky Rosadi Universitas Indraprasta PGRI




diathesis deconstruction, diathesis, propositional analysis, psycholinguistics, scientific articles


This study attempts to describe the descriptive deconstruction of the title of a scientific article whose text is derived from the conversion of research reports. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using a propositional analysis model. Proposition analysis is an analytical model that seeks to dissect the structure of the language based on the structure outside the language. Therefore, this field of study is included in the field of psycholinguistic studies because it raises language problems based on human psychological elements. In this study, it is known that research reports and scientific articles have different reader objectives. Each has a different motive of interest. Research reports have expository motifs with specific audiences, such as leaders or related stakeholders. For this reason, the description and presentation are detailed and detailed. While scientific articles emphasize the informative side with the general target audience; academics, experts, and society in general. Because of this difference, the use of titles needs to be distinguished even though they have the same essence. This is because, by selecting the appropriate title, it is expected to increase the visitation and readability of the scientific article. One of the efforts that can be done is to diathesis deconstruct the research title. This diathesis deconstruction is based on a propositional analysis that looks at the structure of the proposition, the meaning of the predicator, and the role of the argument in the research title, which is then deconstructed by considering the construction of the previous diathesis.


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Author Biography

Nicky Rosadi, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Nicky Rosadi was born in Tangerang, February 12, 1990. Daily, he is a permanent lecturer at Universitas Indraprasta (Unindra) PGRI Jakarta and an honorary lecturer at Budi Luhur University Jakarta. In addition to teaching, this graduate of Indonesian Literature at the Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) also serves as the President Director of PT Naraya Elaborium Optima. This graduate (S-2) of Indonesian Language Education from the Universitas Indraprasta (Unindra) PGRI is also a National Literacy Instructor who is active in promoting literacy activities at the level of students, university students, teachers, lecturers, and the general public. The books he has written are:

- Secangkir Teh (2014, Elexmedia Komputindo)

- Bidadari Pemeluk Subuh (2015, Elexmedia Komputindo)

- Bahasa Indonesia Masa Kini: Untuk Mahasiswa Kekinian (2016, Pustaka Mandiri)

- Ketika Puisi Berkata (2018, Genggambook e-Publisher)

- Dewatara Balaseta: Sepasang Sayap Setan (2018, Genggambook e-Publisher)

- Aku Mencintaimu seperti Rangkaian Alfabet yang Terbatas pada Sebuah Kertas (2019, Genggambook e-Publisher)

Mengikhlaskan: Tak Ada Jalan Pulang untukku, Sayang (2020, PT Naraya Elaborium Optima)

Besides being a writer, he is also a language editor for several books, scientific journals, and other publications. Follow Instagram @nickyrosadi to get closer to him.


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How to Cite

Rosadi, N. (2021). Diathesis Deconstruction in Efforts to Differentiate Titles in Scientific Article Manuscripts: Proposition Analysis Studies: A Psycholinguistic Review. LITERATUS, 3(2), 217–224. https://doi.org/10.37010/lit.v3i2.422
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