Analysis of the Duck Egg Business Income in Labuhan Ratu Danau Village Way Jepara East Lampung During Pandemic Covid-19 Period
group counseling, assertive practice, mannersAbstract
The purpose of this study is to explain the income of duck eggs business in Labuhan Ratu Way Jepara Village, East Lampung, before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is also to explain the social and economic impacts of the community during the pandemic occurred. The type of this research is qualitative research. This research only used one person as a source or respondent. The respondent in this study was the owner of a duck egg farm which located in labuhan Ratu Way village, Jepara, East Lampung, named Mr. Mansyur. The results of this study showed that duck egg farmers in Labuhan Ratu Danau village during the Covid-19 pandemic diverted sales by working with vegetable vendors, although the income was not like the price before the pandemic occurred because the price of duck eggs has decreased, at least this way is considered efficient because it continues to be sustainable. From the data, it can be concluded that the income of the duck egg business owned by Mr. mansur has decreased by 23.63% from the pre-pandemic period.
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