The Influence of Work Experience, Professionalism and Work Goals on Employee Performance at LPD in Buleleng District
work experience, professionalism, job satisfaction , employee performanceAbstract
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of work experience, professionalism and job satisfaction on employee performance at LPD in Buleleng Regency. The examination procedures used in this study are validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis, t-tests, determination analysis and f-tests. The results of the review showed that work experience affected the performance of employees at LPD in Buleleng Regency. From the results of the test with the T test, it shows that work experience has a sig effect on employee performance. Professionalism affects the performance of employees at LPD in Buleleng Regency. From the results of testing with the T test shows that professionalism affects the performance of employees. Job satisfaction directly affects the performance of employees at LPD in Buleleng Regency. From the results of testing with the T test shows that job satisfaction affects employee performance. Judging from the f-test, it was obtained that the F-count > the F-table is 212,297 > 3.12, this shows that work experience, professionalism and job satisfaction have a simultaneous effect on the performance of employees with a sig level. big. 0.000 < 0.050.
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