The Influence of After Sales Service on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty
after sales service, customer satisfaction, customer loyaltyAbstract
The development and advancement of technology that is increasingly globalized has an impact on the business world, and the business world is required to always be able to compete in terms of improving the quality of goods and services. Competition in automotive sales is increasingly rampant, encouraging sellers to create or provide diverse and innovative products so that they can meet the needs and desires of consumers. This study aims to analyze the effect of after sales service on customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty on Honda motorcycles. Data as many as 100 people came from Honda motorcycle owners in Jakarta. The collected data is processed by path analysis with the help of SPSS software. The results showed that after sales service has an influence on customer satisfaction. After sales service variable has an influence on loyalty, customer satisfaction variable has an influence on customer loyalty variable and after sales service variable has an influence on loyalty through customer satisfaction.
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