The Effect of Competence and Work Environment on employee performance at the One Roof Administration System of Ternate City.
comepetcne, work environment, employee performanceAbstract
The purpose of this study are: (1) To analyze the influence of competence on employee performance at the One Roof Administration System of Ternate City; (2) To analyze the influence of work environment on employee performance at the One Roof Administration System of Ternate City; and (3) Analyzing the influence of competence and work environment on employee performance at the One Roof Administration System of Ternate City. The number of sample is 70 employees. The test equipment used is multiple regression analysis using statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) as a statistical test tool. The results showed that: (1) Competence has a positive and significant influence partially on the performance of employees at the One Roof Administration System of Ternate City. This result is based on a t-value greater than the value of t table and a value of greater significance than alpha; (2) Work environment has a positive and significant partial effect on the performance of employees at the One Roof Administration System of Ternate City. This result is based on a t-value greater than the value of t table and a value of greater significance than alpha; and (3) Competence and Work Environment simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the One Roof Administration System of Ternate City. This result is based on a larger F count value and a smaller significance value than the alpha value.
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