The Effect of Retail Store Presence (Alfamidi, Indomaret, and Dua Sekawan) on Kiosk Revenue in Ternate City


  • Musdar Muhammad Universitas Khairun
  • Ruliyanto Syahrain Universitas Khairun
  • Fajri Hatim Universitas Khairun
  • Fahima Nasar Universitas Khairun
  • Rafik La Sainudin Universitas Khairun



income, price, capital, modern


This research aims to recognize whether kiosk income, price and capital affect the modern market. There are also variables used as income, price, and capital as a free variable after that the modern market as a bound variable. This study uses primary data obtained through interviews and the dissemination of questionnaires and then the analysis tool used is the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test with the help of SPSS-20 software.

The results of this research prove that partially the variable income affects positively and insignificantly to the modern market in the city of Ternate, while the price also affects positively and significantly to the modern market in the city of Ternate, while capital also affects positively and significantly to the modern market in the city of Ternate. And when viewed simultaneously the variable income, price and mdal have a common influence on the modern market in the city of Ternate.


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How to Cite

Muhammad, M., Syahrain, R., Hatim, F., Nasar, F., & Sainudin, R. L. (2022). The Effect of Retail Store Presence (Alfamidi, Indomaret, and Dua Sekawan) on Kiosk Revenue in Ternate City. LITERATUS, 4(1), 198–202.
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