Factors Causing Loss (LOSS) of Production Results in the Production of Water-Based Adhesive Glue (Waterbase Adhesive) at PT XYZ Bogor


  • Kusnadi Kusnadi Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Setyo Riyanto Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia




kehilangan (loss) produksi, factor penyebab, sumber daya manusia


Loss of production (output) is the occurrence of production results that are not by the original quantity of each raw material used. This production output loss affects the calculation of production costs and reduces the company's profits. This research looks for the causes of the factors that cause water-based adhesives to be lost during production. PT XYZ is one of the companies that produces water-based adhesive glue and places great emphasis on production losses to compete with similar companies in terms of market prices. Observation of machine production tools, raw materials, and internal observations of the production process (method) and labor (humans) involved in production. Based on previous similar searches, direct observations during the production process, and interviews with the production and material procurement (warehouse) division, it was found that the cause of production loss was human resource (HR) factors.



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How to Cite

Kusnadi, K., & Riyanto, S. (2022). Factors Causing Loss (LOSS) of Production Results in the Production of Water-Based Adhesive Glue (Waterbase Adhesive) at PT XYZ Bogor. LITERATUS, 4(1), 244–250. https://doi.org/10.37010/lit.v4i1.734
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