Protection of Human Rights Defenders of Health Rights in Central Java


  • Helen Intania Universitas Semarang
  • Rizky Amelia Universitas Semarang



protection, human rights defenders, health rights


Human Rights Defenders (HRD), is actually a term that is not too foreign in Indonesia.Working to uphold women's rights creates vulnerability for human rights defenders.Chronic accumulation of physical, psychological, and psychological stress. economic, and social problems caused by high risk, threats, violence, and vulnerability cause WHRD to experience various health problems including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, brain cancer, stroke, miscarriage, stillbirth and death during childbirth.Most WHRD do not have health insurance. , so that they or their families have to pay for their own medical expenses. The special conditions and vulnerabilities of WHRD as mentioned above have not been accommodated. Therefore, when the health risks mentioned above occur, WHRD find it difficult to report their situation and get access to support and protection. The purpose of this research is to find out, find, and and analyzes human rights defenders on the right to health in Central Java and their protection mechanisms. This research will be conducted in Central Java using a qualitative research method with an empirical juridical approach. The data used are primary data and secondary data obtained through field research and library research. All data obtained will be analyzed and compiled regularly and systematically in the form of research reports to draw conclusions inductively. The outputs targeted in this study are accepted in accredited journals.


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Author Biography

Helen Intania, Universitas Semarang

Lecturer of Semarang University


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How to Cite

Intania, H., & Amelia , . R. . (2022). Protection of Human Rights Defenders of Health Rights in Central Java. LITERATUS, 4(1), 257–262.
Abstract viewed = 187 times