Responsibility of The Notary for The Establishment of a Village Owned Business Entity as A Legal Association in The Perspective of Legislation Regulations
village-owned enterprises, laws and regulationsAbstract
This study aims to analyze and criticize the substance of the deed of establishment of Village-Owned Enterprises with associations by notaries and the responsibility of notaries for the establishment of Village-Owned Enterprises incorporated as associations in the perspective of laws and regulations. This research is classified as a juridical research of normative with two main approaches, namely the conceptual approach and the normative approach. This research uses the theory of legal certainty, the theory of legal entities, the theory of authority and the theory of responsibility. The nature of the research is descriptive analytical. This type of research uses secondary data obtained from primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The results showed that regarding the substance of the deed of establishment of BUMDes with associations by notaries, there was a lot of synchrony between the substance of the deed of BUMDes incorporated as an association with the Village Law and PP BUMDes. This can be seen from its establishment which is not guided by village regulations, in the form of associations and technically BUMDes associations have goals that focus on social society only. To obtain legal entity status, the BUMDes association registers directly through SABH and the nominal amount of its capital participation is not clearly stated in the articles of association and in the case of the deed of establishment of BUMDes incorporated associations that have been made notaries are responsible for giving directions to the parties facing to notarize their BUMDes with the status of the previous legal entity of the association registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through SABH adjusted via SID.
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