Analysis of Phoneme Sound Changes in Chairil Anwar's Poetry
phoneme sound changer, poetry, chairil anwarAbstract
This study aims to determine the types of phoneme sound changes contained in Chairil Anwar's poems. This research was conducted with qualitative research methods. The object of this research is the change in the sound of the phonemes in Chairil Anwar's poems. The data used in this study are the poems of Chairil Anwar. The data source comes from Chairil Anwar's poetry collection. The method of providing data is document analysis. Changes in phoneme sound are caused by various things, namely the morphological system of the language, the culture of language pronunciation, and the concept of the alphabet system of the language itself. Poetry is a literary work in which there is rhythm, dimension, rhyme, and is composed of lines and stanzas. Chairil Anwar is a young man who was born in Medan, North Sumatra on July 26, 1922, Chairil Anwar was named the pioneer of the '45 Force. The results of data analysis concluded that of the 11 poems by Chairil Anwar there were 6 types of phoneme sound changes which include assimilation, dissimilation, neutralization, zeroization, anaptiksis and monophthongization and 19 words which are phoneme sound changes.
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