The Power of Messages in Advertising Poster Design for the Community Resettlement Based on the Socialization Campaign in Jakarta, Indonesia
copywrite, poster, KAI, Jakarta, Kota TuaAbstract
The residents of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) reserved area were planning to evacuate the premise by the Indonesian local government in Kota Tua in order to create a more appealing regional arrangement and designate the area as a cultural heritage site to promote heritage tourism. However, there are possibility residents of Jalan Kampung Intan did not agree with the plan due to the lack of effective communication. Therefore, this study aimed: create a socialization strategy to provide information about the government development program in Jakarta through an integrated, communicative, effective, and creative. Furthermore, choosing visual elements can fabricate intimacy between the government and the community. This research intended to prevent possible residents from experiencing social rejection and vandalism due to concerns, such as proximity to their workplaces, transportation difficulties, and the financial burden of renting a new place for shelter. The method used in the resettlement campaign was design thinking, which included empathizing, defining, idealizing, prototyping, and testing. Additionally, this study support PT. KAI and the local government in Jakarta in developing a new design, as well as a spacious and sustainable community to achieve an innovative urban environment and healthy lifestyle in Green Jabodetabek (the Greater Jakarta). The results included recommendations for poster designs and materials to be used in the resettlement socialization campaign for Intan residents. Research limitations for this study only cover poster media for the resettlement socialization campaign. The novelty of this research aims, create poster design in a particular area for marginalized communities.
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