Potential and Problems in Learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an to Improve Students' Ability to Read Al-Qur'an


  • Suwarno IAIN Takengon
  • Ramadan IAIN Takengon
  • Susanti Arian Fitri IAIN Takengon




learning, tahsin al-qur’an, reading al-qur’an, students


Tahsin al-Qur’an is an effort to improve the reading of the Qur'an in order to avoid mistakes, errors in reading the Qur'an are called lahn. Errors in reading the Qur'an can result in sin if it destroys the meaning of the Qur'an. In learning tahsin al-Qur'an, students still often encounter errors such as long readings, hum, and stop errors. The purpose of this study is to find the potential and problems in learning al-Qur'an tahsin as well as to offer solutions to overcome them. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The research objects are students and lecturers of STAIN Gajah Putih, Takengon Central Aceh Data collection techniques using interviews and observation. Then the data that has been collected was analyzed by analytical descriptive analysis.  The results showed that the potential for learning tahsin al-Qur'an was students whose abilities could be developed, while the main problem in learning al-Qur'an tassn was the use of teaching materials which depended on the tastes of the lecturers who led the courses. So the researcher recommends that teaching materials be developed for learning the tahsin al-Qur'an according to the needs of students.


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How to Cite

Suwarno, S., Ramadan, R., & Fitri, S. A. . (2022). Potential and Problems in Learning Tahsin Al-Qur’an to Improve Students’ Ability to Read Al-Qur’an. LITERATUS, 4(1), 82–89. https://doi.org/10.37010/lit.v4i1.650
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