Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Based Branding Strategy in Building Brand Awarenessat Sekolah Tinggi Multi Media Yogyakarta
branding, SEO, brand awarnessAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the strategy of the search engine optimization (SEO) based branding program to build brand awareness carried out by the Sekolah Tinggi Multi Medial (STMM) in the context of developing STMM into the Institut Digital Nasional-University (IDN-U). The research method used in this research is qualitative by choosing a case study as the research approach. The results of the research on branding strategies based on search engine optimization (SEO) are if someone types the keyword "digital campus" in the google search engine, that person will find the Institut Digital Nasional-University (IDN-U). The achievement to be obtained from the branding strategy that will be carried out by IDN-U is the level of top of mind brand awareness, which is the highest level of brand awareness.
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