Hardiness on Academic Stress among Full-time Working Students in Jakarta
academic stress, hardiness, working students, full-time, JakartaAbstract
This research explores the relationship between hardiness and academic stress among full-time working students in Jakarta. The study utilized a quantitative approach, employing the Pearson Product Moment method via IBM SPSS 25, with a sample of 368 undergraduate students from private universities, aged 19 years and older. The results indicated a significant negative correlation between hardiness and academic stress (r = -0.281, p = 0.001), suggesting that higher levels of hardiness are associated with lower levels of academic stress. Conversely, lower hardiness correlates with higher academic stress. Interviews with three full-time working students revealed that time management, workload, and the pressure to balance work and study contribute significantly to academic stress. The findings align with prior studies, showing that students with higher hardiness can manage academic pressures more effectively, viewing challenges as opportunities for personal growth. This research emphasizes the importance of developing resilience and emotional control in full-time working students to mitigate academic stress and improve academic outcomes. The implications suggest that educational institutions should consider offering support systems tailored to the unique challenges faced by working students, to help them maintain their academic performance while managing their work responsibilities.
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