The Influence of Quality of Work Life on Job Satisfaction of Online Grocery Store Employees
job satisfaction, quality of work life, employees, e-groceryAbstract
The growth of web-based shopping has led to 32 million consumers in Indonesia making purchases through e-commerce platforms, including e-grocery. People may order goods online and have them delivered right to their houses, saving them the trouble of going outdoors. The aim of this research is to ascertain how e-grocery employees' job happiness is impacted by their quality of work life. Purposive sampling is the method used in the sample, which consists of 111 e-grocery employees. The Job satisfaction scale includes decent and fair compensation, safe and healthy working conditions, human capacity development, growth and security, social integrity, constitutional, work, and overall scope. It also includes aspects like salary, supervision, coworkers, promotion, and quality of work life. In this study, SPSS version 25 for Windows was utilized to conduct a straightforward regression test. The study's conclusion supports the accepted hypothesis, which states that employees of online stores job satisfaction is positively and significantly impacted by their quality of work life, with a significance value of 0.000 (p < 0.05).
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