The Influence of Regional Languages on the use of Indonesian Language Among Indraprasta University PGRI students
language, language interaction, editingAbstract
This research is related to the influence of regional languages on the way students speak in the Unindra campus environment. The method used is strong by taking samples from several students through questionnaires. Technical of data collection by sharing a fill-in form containing questions, the questions are as follows: Do you often use regional languages in communication between fellow students in one area in the campus environment? , 2. Do you mix regional language codes and Indonesian in the campus environment? , 3. Do you often use a regional language accent, when talking to a fellow regional student? , 4. What causes you to use the vernacular in the campus environment? . From the penelitian that has been carried out to produce pr e sentase the results of the analysis of student responses from beberapa questions. Basedon the results of the study, it can be concluded that most unindra students use regional languages in interacting.
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