Legal Digitization Analysis: Study of National Legal System Renewal


  • Rahmat Dwi Putranto Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum IBLAM



national legal system, digitization of law


The implications of globalization which is marked by the rapid development of technology, especially information and communication technology, will force the legal order to converge so as to achieve economic efficiency. This is because the regulatory framework related to a legal order will make one legal system unable to provide optimal solutions to the problems that arise. The problem is how to apply legal technology in designing legislation in Indonesia today and how is the concept of legal technology in designing technology-based laws and regulations in Indonesia in industry 4.0. This research method uses a statutory approach, a conceptual approach and a comparative approach. This type of research is prescriptive explanatory. This type of research is normative-empirical. Data collection obtained is secondary data and primary data through literature searches or from official documents, namely books. While the primary data in this study is sourced from interviews with respondents and informants. Data Analysis Method This data analysis method was analyzed qualitatively. Location Library research is conducted at the Library of the Faculty of Law, University of Padjadjaran and anywhere via the internet. While interviews with informants in Jakarta or other cities adjust to the whereabouts of the informants. The conclusion is that the application of legal technology in the drafting of laws and regulations in Indonesia today is essentially based on earlier legal disciplines. Meanwhile, the concept of forming laws and regulations in Indonesia in the future as ius constituendum must really comply with the basic norms and principles in the formation of laws and regulations that are das sollen in nature.


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How to Cite

Putranto, R. D. (2022). Legal Digitization Analysis: Study of National Legal System Renewal. LITERATUS, 4(3), 1163–1172.
Abstract viewed = 263 times