Develop a Digital Business Based on Syariah Contracts for Small Medium Enterprises in Tangerang City


  • Sofyan Halim Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Suparno Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Pambudi Rahardja Universitas Mercu Buana



SMEs, information management systems, shariah contracts


Small and Medium Enterprises have a very important role because they are able to manage various resources, both natural resources. Human resources thus adding and accommodating jobs, empowering and fostering communities, developing markets and trade so as to create a society from poverty, able to survive and compete independently. The development of MSMEs in the Tanggerang city area over time developed and grew so that it reached 11,746 MSMEs until 2018, while in Banten Province until the same year reached 157,900 with various types and business fields.  The principle of Going Concern needs to be carried out by every MSME so that they can survive and compete well, so the development and capacity building of MSME actors needs to be entered continuously. The community economy including in the city of Tanggerang has historically been driven by MSME actors, so one of the programs to increase the capacity of our MSMEs has been to do Community Service in order to share a little knowledge and contribute to them by providing an understanding of how to build and develop businesses digitally and can run adequate and efficient operations, as well as for MSME actors who want to be sharia-based in their business processes then  Trying and doing business in Sharia is an option that must be carried out based on sharia principles. As for the response of the participants of the activity that the Community Service activities are very useful and proposes that coaching to MSMEs be more intensively implemented by providing real facilities to them.

The development of MSMEs in the Tangerang city area from time to time develops and grows so that it reaches 11,746 MSMEs as of 2018, while in Banten Province until the same year it reaches 157,900 with various types and fields of business. The principle of Going Concern needs to be carried out by every MSME so that they are able to survive and compete well, so coaching and increasing the capacity of MSME actors needs to be carried out continuously.
The community's economy, including in the city of Tangerang, has historically been driven by MSME actors, so one of the programs to increase the capacity of our MSMEs has been to do Community Service so that they can share a little knowledge and contribute to them by giving them an understanding of how to build and develop businesses digitally and can run a business. adequate and efficient operations, as well as for MSME actors who want to be sharia-based in their business processes, doing business and doing business according to sharia is an option that must be carried out based on sharia principles.
The response from the participants of the activity was that Community Service activities were very useful and suggested that the guidance for MSMEs be more intensively implemented by providing them with real facilities.


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How to Cite

Halim, S., Suparno, S., & Rahardja, P. . (2022). Develop a Digital Business Based on Syariah Contracts for Small Medium Enterprises in Tangerang City. KANGMAS: Karya Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat, 3(1), 39–55.
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