Utilization of Social Media as Promotional Media at UMKM Kampung Mandiri Donokerto Yogyakarta
digital marketing, social media, UMKMAbstract
This community service activity aims to introduce and take advantage of social media to support the promotion and digital marketing of products produced by UMKM Kampung Mandiri Donokerto. This community service activity was held at the UMKM Kampung Mandiri Donokerto assisted by the Yatim Mandiri National Amil Zakat Institution in Sleman, Yogyakarta. The participants are members of UMKM Kampung Mandiri Donokerto, a community of orphaned mothers in Donokerto Village, Turi District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The method used by the author is the learning by doing method, beginning with lectures, questions and answers, demonstrations and practice. The results obtained are the realization of training on the use of social media in the form of Facebook and YouTube channels which are expected to help promote products and increase sales.
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