Empowerment of Bamboo Crawings in Bandung-Serang District with Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
participatory rural appraisal (PRA), bamboo, safety, serang districAbstract
Every village needs to develop its potential more independently in order to realize prosperity, community independence, and preserve culture. Community Service Program (PKM) is a program designed for community empowerment. Bandung District, Serang Regency, Banten. Bandung District is an area with potential natural resources of bamboo plants that thrive in this area. Bandung sub-district is an area with bamboo handicraft producers and residents who have expertise as woven bamboo craftsmen. This community service program aims to develop safe woven bamboo production, with the ultimate goal of increasing people's income in Bandung District and reducing the risk of work accidents for bamboo woven craftsmen. This program uses a Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach, and identification of potential hazards, which in its implementation uses focus group discussions, training, socialization, counseling, and mentoring. Gradually awareness of safety in weaving bamboo will increase and reduce work accidents and occupational diseases for bamboo weaving craftsmen. The results of this program are improving the health and safety of woven bamboo craftsmen and improving the community's economy through product development.
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