Application of the Storytelling Method in Early Childhood Tiara Veritas Cikande Reading House
application of storytelling method, reading house, Tiara Veritas, MBKMAbstract
One of the social services carried out by Tiara Veritas Cikande reading house is to provide opportunities for children located in the Cikande sub-district, Serang district about 40 KM from campus of Universitas Pelita Harapan, Karawaci Tangerang, to read early childhood story books. There are about 20-30 children who come to play in this reading house every day just to see pictures from story books. The main problem experienced by reading houses is the lack of teaching staff and special staff for reading houses so that children do activities independently and without structured direction. Then, the owner of the foundation tried to find interesting reading methods for early childhood through collaboration with students and lecturers from the campus of Universitas Pelita Harapan. Finally, through community service activities which are part of the MBKM program, an interesting reading method is applied to early childhood. Early childhood teachers are guided by teachers in listening to stories. The results obtained are more interesting reading activities that can run through the storytelling method. The continuation of this activity is in the form of reading activities through the storytelling method on a regular basis to increase the number of visitors and provide meaning for children when reading while providing a positive impact for some of the surrounding community who are still illiterate.
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