Introduction of the Waste Bank System to Overcome Inorganic Waste in Kebun Keling Village
inorganic waste, waste bank, waste savingsAbstract
Community understanding in Kebun Keling Village about the importance of waste management still needs to be improved. Moreover, as a tourist destination, this area is visited by many people who enjoy the beauty of Tapak Paderi Beach and Fort Marlborough. The number of tourists and the lack of awareness in maintaining environmental cleanliness have resulted in piles of garbage not only in tourist sites but also in residential areas. Although Bengkulu City Regional Regulation number 2 of 2011 has regulated waste management in Bengkulu City, waste management has not received serious handling. Therefore, by managing waste economically, it is hoped that the waste problem can be overcome so that the environment becomes clean. One method that can convert waste into money is to implement a waste bank system that is managed collectively and distributes it to the final waste collection point. This activity aims to help the Bengkulu City Government program in managing waste to create a clean and healthy environment. The method used is socialization to the residents of Kebun Keling Village and demonstrating the steps taken so that waste can be turned into money. The tools used are scales, plastic/garbage sacks, and stationery, while the materials are waste from household and environmental waste. The community enthusiastically participated in this activity and wanted to apply it in their daily life. Through this activity, the community acknowledges the addition of insight and knowledge about waste management which can increase family income.
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