Importance of School Cooperatives’ Understanding and Awareness at SMK Nusa Bhakti Depok


  • Endah Widati Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
  • Mirna Herawati Universitas Indraprasta PGRI



school cooperatives, entrepreneur, student’s character


School is the second place where a child gets education and knowledge that is useful for his future life. In Indonesia, there are several levels of formal education that can be taken by every citizen, namely basic education, secondary education and higher education. To achieve national education goals, compulsory education programs and Education curriculum are updated. This should be done so that the younger generation has skills and knowledge that can support their lives in the future. For this reason, the skill builds not only limited to hard skills but also soft skills. One of school-specific service provides soft skills is school cooperatives. School cooperatives have been around for a long time and even though they are not legal entities, school cooperatives can be used as school-specific services to help students build character and soft skills to become useful human beings. The purpose of this activity is to increase understanding and awareness of the importance of school cooperatives with a classical approach. This activity was attended by teachers and vocational school students. The results of this activity show that with a good understanding, awareness of the importance of school cooperatives can emerge and also generate student entrepreneurial interest.


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How to Cite

Widati, E., & Herawati, M. . (2020). Importance of School Cooperatives’ Understanding and Awareness at SMK Nusa Bhakti Depok. KANGMAS: Karya Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(2), 57–66.
Abstract viewed = 651 times