Introduction of the STEAM Method in Early Childhood Learning at Islamic Kindergarten Ar-Ruhaniyah Bekasi
STEAM method, learning, early childhoodAbstract
Early Childhood Education has an important role in shaping the character and mindset of individuals at the age of 0-6 years. In providing simulations for early childhood in achieving six aspects of optimal development, the selection of appropriate methods and media is very important because these methods and media can motivate children to participate in learning activities that are packaged with game activities. The introduction of the STEAM method in early childhood learning is expected to make children directly participate in an activity process and children are trained in solving problems in learning activities. The STEAM method familiarizes children with training their mindsets to think broadly, creatively and innovatively so that learning packaged in play and fun activities can optimize children's development in six aspects of development. Community service activities with the introduction of the STEAM method in early childhood learning in Islamic Kindergarten Ar-Ruhaniyah Bekasi has a positive impact in improving the competence of educators and increasing children's activity in participating in ice-freezing activities with salt using the STEAM Method.
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