Business Improvement and Innovation in Small and Medium Industries Mekaya’s Products, Losarang, Indramayu


  • Agus Yudianto Universitas Wiralodra
  • Meddy Nurpratama Universitas Wiralodra



business improvement, innovation


Innovation management is a tool used by managers and organizations or companies to develop products and organizational innovations or in other words innovation management is the management and organization of a process. Through community service and development, the company responds to external or internal opportunities and uses creative efforts to introduce new ideas, processes or products. To support the marketing process for catfish sauce products in the Mekaya, the team uses digital marketing technology methods or online marketing using social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and so on. In addition to using online media, the team also uses offline media by conducting and participating in festivals and exhibitions so that the catfish sauce product is widely known and known by the public. The digital marketing technology method that will be implemented for the marketing process of catfish sauce products uses a participatory method. The program of activities carried out in the Mekaya by assisting in the marketing process of catfish chili sauce (SALE) products through social media and door to door marketing got quite satisfactory results, so that the product is now widely known and known by the public. In addition to assisting in online marketing, the team also succeeded in doing offline marketing by participating in festivals or exhibitions held at Pasar Baru Indramayu for two days. With the increase in sales turnover, which normally takes place once a month, the production process has now increased to twice a month. With the shipping label, catfish sauce products in the process of shipping out of town become more organized and neat. This is because the product now has its own identity as a differentiator from competing products. It is also a way to attract consumers because the product can be packaged well.


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How to Cite

Yudianto, A., & Nurpratama, M. (2021). Business Improvement and Innovation in Small and Medium Industries Mekaya’s Products, Losarang, Indramayu. KANGMAS: Karya Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(2), 165–170.
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