Free Family Planning Counseling and Services in Labuh Baru Barat Pekanbaru


  • Zurhayati Akademi Kebidanan Sempena Negeri Pekanbaru
  • Susi Hartati Akademi Kebidanan Sempena Negeri Pekanbaru
  • Ifni Wilda Akademi Kebidanan Sempena Negeri Pekanbaru



counseling, free family planning services


Indonesia is a country with a relatively high growth rate. The essence of the task of the Family Planning (KB) program is to reduce fertility in order to reduce the burden of development for the realization of happiness and prosperity for the people and nation of Indonesia. As a problem There are people who do not know about contraceptives and have not become family planning acceptors. This activity aims to provide knowledge about contraceptives and provide contraceptives for free. This activity aims to provide knowledge about contraceptives and provide contraceptives for free. The method of service is counseling and coaching residents of West Labuh Baru Village. The service was carried out in Labuh Baru Barat Village, Pekanbaru with 98 participants/samples in the activity. This activity is also in collaboration with midwives in the working area of the Payung Sekaki Health Center, Labuh Baru Barat Village. The tools and materials used in the activity are in the form of contraception as a free family planning service and counseling using the lecture method. The results of community service in Labuh Baru Barat Village are willing to become family planning acceptors according to their needs, and will repeat family planning if the family planning period has ended.


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How to Cite

Zurhayati, Z., Hartati, S., & Wilda, I. . (2021). Free Family Planning Counseling and Services in Labuh Baru Barat Pekanbaru. KANGMAS: Karya Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(2), 178–182.
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