Increasing the Life Skills of Karang Taruna Teenage with Biopreunership Utilization Sweet Capitals Become Ice Cream
life skills, biopreneurship, ice cream, sweet potatoesAbstract
The purpose of this activity is to help improve the life skills of youth youth groups through biopreneurship by processing sweet potatoes which are generally cooked by steaming or frying in an activity made into ice cream. Based on the natural potential and agricultural land in Bedahan, the abdimas team is interested in developing the utilization of garden products that can be cultivated on existing land in Bedahan such as sweet potato or sweet potato plants. Sweet potato is a plant commonly planted by farmers in Bedahan which is processed into steamed food, compote or into fried food. Sweet potato can be processed into ice cream. The method used in this abdimas activity is a demonstration method involving youth youth organizations in Bedahan sub-district. This activity is carried out with the first several stages of awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship as a way to improve welfare. The second training made the skills to make products from biological ingredients, sweet potatoes into ice cream. The third mentoring includes evaluation of the implementation of the Community Service program. The result of this activity was that the youth's enthusiasm was very good in following the training in making ice cream with sweet potato ingredients. The ingredients used in the making of ice cream have a very economic value and this training can increase understanding and life skills and increase the interest of youth entrepreneurial youth groups, Sawangan Village, Depok City.
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