Online Learning System Assistance Using the Annote Feature on Zoom Application at TK Dzakra Lebah Madu
early childhood, Zoom application, Covid-19 pandemic, online learningAbstract
The purpose of this community service activity is to overcome teacher anxiety in dealing with online learning situations during the COVID-19 pandemic at Dzakra Lebah Madu Kindergarten. Where many teachers at TK Dzakra Lebah Madu are still not optimal in utilizing the zoom application in the learning process. For this reason, through empowering teachers by utilizing the Annote feature in the Zoom application, it is hoped that it can become a means of activity that will optimize the process of teaching and learning activities even though there is no face to face. In addition, the target to be achieved through this activity is that teachers can be more creative and enthusiastic in assisting children to learn from home by utilizing the Annote feature in the Zoom application. The method of this activity is in the form of direct practice, discussion and mentoring with teachers through mini workshops. After being given material about the use of the Annote feature on Zoom in home learning activities, the teacher is then guided to implement it. With this activity, teachers become more creative in delivering material and are also excited because they feel helped in the process of learning and teaching from home. Thus, it is hoped that the potential of children can be honed well even though learning activities are carried out at home.
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