Marketing and Production Training and Distribution of Food during Pandemi Covid-19 in Food Franchise Business in Depok Area of West Java
Marketing And Production Training And Distribution of Food
marketing training, distribution, food processing, Covid-19Abstract
In preventing and handling the condition and impact of the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia, it is considered necessary to maintain the availability of quality processed food for the people of Indonesia. In carrying out marketing practices for the production, distribution and retail of processed food, we as lecturers consider it necessary to conduct training and counseling on marketing and prevention of the spread of Covid-19 and ensure implementation in accordance with the guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is expected that with this training, businesses can apply well so as to prevent the spread of Covid-19, and guarantee the safety and quality of processed foods can be continuously improved. Community service that will be implemented focuses on franchisees Rafiza Fried Chiken spread in Depok area of West Java as a target program with the aim that MSMEs businesses get an understanding of marketing training, processing and distribution of safe and quality food, so that the understanding can be applied in business activities and can improve the quality of business that is being run.
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