Making a Profile Book of Kindergarten and Al-Qur'an Education Park Daarussa'adah Depok


  • Catur Sunu Wijayanto Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
  • Bambang Perkasa Alam Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
  • Zainal Arifin Masri Universitas Indraprasta PGRI



profile books, kindergarten, Al-Qur’an education park, Daarusa'adah


Kindergarten and Al-Qur’an Education Park Daarusa'adah is one of the educational establishments in Depok. Promotion and information strategies using conventional methods and processes, namely by distributing brochures, banners and delivering information from one person to another are not considered optimal, therefore we have created a profile book for Kindergarten and Al-Qur’an Education Park Daarusa'adah there is Depok which can be used as a promotional media and school information. In making this profile book we use several methods including: Data collection methods include literature, observation, interviews and problem approach methods, namely design analysis, photo shoot and book printing. This profile book is not only created and promoted but we also socialize with partners about the benefits of creating a profile book and teach how to make a profile book. Thus the school not only uses this profile book as a promotion and as a medium of information aimed at the wider community but also knows how to make a profile book.


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How to Cite

Wijayanto, C. S., Alam, B. P., & Masri, Z. A. (2021). Making a Profile Book of Kindergarten and Al-Qur’an Education Park Daarussa’adah Depok. KANGMAS: Karya Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(2), 86–96.
Abstract viewed = 199 times

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