Empowerment of Mosque Youth through Regional Potential Entrepreneurship Skills in Bedahan Sawangan Village, Depok


  • Nicky Rosadi Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
  • Deden Ibnu Aqil Universitas Indraprasta PGRI




garden products, mosque youth


The unemployment rate in Depok City is still worrying. This occurs due to the gap between high population growth and minimal economic growth. Kelurahan Bedahan covering an area of 375 ha and 133 ha of agricultural land and the rest is for other uses. Based on the natural potential, the agricultural land is still quite extensive, the community service team is interested in developing the utilization of garden products that can be cultivated and developed on existing land in the Bedahan area such as banana, cassava, guava, sweet potato, etc. This activity was carried out starting with awareness and entrepreneurship counseling in making products from local foodstuffs.


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Author Biography

Nicky Rosadi, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Nicky Rosadi was born in Tangerang, February 12, 1990. Daily, he is a permanent lecturer at Universitas Indraprasta (Unindra) PGRI Jakarta and an honorary lecturer at Budi Luhur University Jakarta. In addition to teaching, this graduate of Indonesian Literature at the Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) also serves as the President Director of PT Naraya Elaborium Optima. This graduate (S-2) of Indonesian Language Education from the Universitas Indraprasta (Unindra) PGRI is also a National Literacy Instructor who is active in promoting literacy activities at the level of students, university students, teachers, lecturers, and the general public. The books he has written are:

- Secangkir Teh (2014, Elexmedia Komputindo)

- Bidadari Pemeluk Subuh (2015, Elexmedia Komputindo)

- Bahasa Indonesia Masa Kini: Untuk Mahasiswa Kekinian (2016, Pustaka Mandiri)

- Ketika Puisi Berkata (2018, Genggambook e-Publisher)

- Dewatara Balaseta: Sepasang Sayap Setan (2018, Genggambook e-Publisher)

- Aku Mencintaimu seperti Rangkaian Alfabet yang Terbatas pada Sebuah Kertas (2019, Genggambook e-Publisher)

Mengikhlaskan: Tak Ada Jalan Pulang untukku, Sayang (2020, PT Naraya Elaborium Optima)

Besides being a writer, he is also a language editor for several books, scientific journals, and other publications. Follow Instagram @nickyrosadi to get closer to him.



How to Cite

Rosadi, N., & Aqil, D. I. (2020). Empowerment of Mosque Youth through Regional Potential Entrepreneurship Skills in Bedahan Sawangan Village, Depok. KANGMAS: Karya Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat, 1(3), 188–192. https://doi.org/10.37010/kangmas.v1i3.217
Abstract viewed = 228 times

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