Assistance in Preparing Teaching Modules for Middle School Teachers throughout Belu Regency
merdeka curriculum, teaching module, assistanceAbstract
The curriculum is an important component in the education system. The curriculum involved in education is the independent curriculum, along with the technique of creating teaching modules. The reason of our team are doing this mentoring activity is to help teachers in Belu Regency who do not yet understand the independent curriculum and how to make teaching materials based on it. The implementation method used includes preliminary study, socialization, and training. A method uses a preliminary study to find out the problems faced by partners. Next, the socialization method is carried out by the school principal and the School Curriculum Team, along with the Community Service team. The team also organize the creation of teaching module materials by explaining theories related to the independent curriculum and teaching modules based on the independent curriculum, using a training method. Through these three methods, the activities focused on spreading awareness about the independent curriculum and creating teaching modules. Based on the results of observations, teachers involved now understands the independent curriculum and technique of creating teaching modules based on an independent curriculum.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Marsi Bani, Petrus Ly, Soleman Nub Uf, Daud Nassa, Leonard Lobo, Thomas Kemil Masi, Fredik Kollo

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